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Submitted by: Jennifer Cheek
Question: 1
In multinomial logistic regression, what is used to calculate the probability of outcome occurring?
A. Logistic function applied to a linear combination of the input and outcome variables
B. Linear regression applied to a combination of input variables
C. Linear regression applied to a combination of input and outcome variables
D. Logistic function applied to a linear combination of the input variables
Answer: B
Question: 2
What is a characteristic of spark?
A. Unable to run map -> reduce execution plans
B. Supports applications written in Python, Java, and Scala
C. Less efficient processing small files than Hadoop MapReduce
D. Supports workflows that can return to previous work steps
Answer: B
Question: 3
In a connected, undirected graph of 5 nodes with 10 edges, how many more edges need to be added to make the clustering coefficient of every node equal 1?
A. 0
B. 5
C. 10
D. 15
Answer: A
Question: 4
Which metric would be most helpful in identifying a node that may cause network disruption if the node were removed?
A. Degree
B. Closeness
C. Betweenness
D. PageRank
Answer: A
Question: 5
The naive Bayer classifier is trained over 1600 movie reviews and then tested over 400 reviews.
Here is the resulting confusion matrix:
190 (TP) 10(FN)
80 (FP) 120(TN)
What are the precision, recall, and the F1-score values?
A. Precision0.95; Recall: 0704; F1-score: 0.809
B. Precision 0.613, Recall: 0.95, F1-score: 0.745
C. Precision 0.704, Recall: 0.95; F1-score: 0.809
D. Precision 0.95; Recall: 0.613; F1-score: 0.745
Answer: C
Question: 6
What is a property of a good color model for ordinal data?
A. Uses a rainbow-like color map for distinction of categories
B. Uses a rainbow-like color map for ease of display and printing
C. Uses perceptually ordinal colors with just-noticeable increments
D. Uses perceptually ordinal colors with linear, perceptual increments
Answer: D
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EMC is one of the highly respected names in the modern competitive IT market. Therefore, gaining a EMC E20-065 certification conveys the potential employers that you are as qualified as the professionals that work for EMC. E20-065 Advanced Analytics Specialist Exam for Data Scientists will give you the competitive edge for building a successful IT career. In order to gain Advanced Analytics Specialist Exam for Data Scientists certification easily, our EMC E20-065 study materials, training kits and practice tests are just comprehensive enough! You will surely pass the EMC E20-065 PDF in your first attempt.
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