Sunday, December 23, 2018 Seventeen-year-old Chinese student Mei Chen, who vanished from her host family’s home in Scarborough, England, was found safe and well on Thursday by police. Her host family suggested she was travelling to meet an unknown person from the Internet; Wikinews has contacted authorities to establish the circumstances, but has received no…
Autopilot Income: The Importance Of List Building
Read More About: Machine Hire Australia Australia Mining Truck Autopilot Income: The Importance Of List Building by blueviziaA list of email subscribers is crucial to the success of your online business. That’s why it’s important to begin building yours from the day you start online. Of course, a large list is much more valuable than…
News briefs:September 8, 2005
Customer says Verizon confuses dollars and cents
Saturday, December 9, 2006 Blogger George Vaccaro is a customer from the US who apparently purchased wireless network connection from Verizon, thinking that he was getting a good deal. Instead, he says he was charged about 71 dollars instead of 71 cents: 100 times more than what his bill should have been at the rate…
Bush’s Iraq ‘Strategy’ seen as public relations exercise
Sunday, December 4, 2005 The US commander of the Multinational Security Transition Command in Iraq said that he had no knowledge of the National Strategy for Victory in Iraq document released by the US President. This, along with speculation that the document was chiefly authored by a public opinion analyst recruited by the White House…
Cyprus and Malta to adopt the euro
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 The European Union’s Council of Ministers has approved the entry of Mediterranean islands Cyprus and Malta into the Eurozone. They will begin to use the euro from January 1, 2008. European finance ministers (collectively known as Ecofin) set fixed rates of one euro to 0.585274 Cypriot pounds and 0.4293 to the…
Former Washington D.C. police officer sues district for racial discrimination and harassment
Friday, June 22, 2007 According to court documents obtained by Wikinews, Randy Squires, an African American male and a former police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia (DCMPD) has filed a lawsuit against the department alleging racial discrimination and harassment by a fellow officer. Squires is also suing the former…
Wikinews interviews Rocky De La Fuente, U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate
Thursday, March 31, 2016 Businessman Rocky De La Fuente took some time to speak with Wikinews about his campaign for the U.S. Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nomination. The 61-year-old De La Fuente resides in San Diego, California, grew up in Tijuana, and owns multiple businesses and properties throughout the world. Since getting his start in…
Refurbished cafeteria opens in Romanian parliament
Wednesday, May 4, 2005 A new, refurbished cafeteria at the Romanian Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest has opened for the use of parliamentarians. The new cafeteria, which has mahogany furniture and leather draped armchairs, was officially opened yesterday, and is situated at the entrance to the Senate headquarters in the Palace of the Parliament….
Judge declares mistrial in Bill Cosby sexual assault case
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 On Saturday, Judge Steven O’Niell of Norristown, Pennsylvania declared a mistrial in the trial of U.S. actor Bill Cosby for sexual assault because the jury had become deadlocked, unable to arrive at a unanimous guilty or not guilty verdict. Prosecutors immediately announced plans to retry the case. Brian McMonagle, one of…