Submitted by: Valkyrie B
Hair extensions can be attached using a variety of ways. As the user, it is your decision to choose which method you will use for your extensions. Remember that in choosing the method of attaching hair extensions, you should look for ease of procedure, maintenance, and level of comfort that the particular method can provide. To help you choose the best method of attaching hair extensions, we reviewed the most widely-used techniques nowadays.
Clip on Hair Extensions
This method of attaching hair extensions is considered as the easiest method to use. The procedure for using clip on extensions goes like this: 1. Separate sections of your hair starting from the nape, following an upward direction. 2. Clip on the extensions based on your preferred volume and length. 3. Open the clips snap them into your head, and tug lightly to make sure the clip is secure.
Clip on hair extensions is also widely available. You can also request your favorite hair stylist to do it for you. Most hair stylists are experienced with using clip on extensions. This kind of extensions is used mostly in productions where speed of application and beauty is largely required.
Weaves are little braid which is woven into your natural hair. This method of attaching hair extensions uses threads to create a guide along your scalp or hair. To use weaves, the volume of hair should be within the medium to thick range. Your hair should also be strong enough to support the weaves once they are braided into your hair. Weaves are more natural looking than the previous example but they can be uncomfortable at times. You also have to be conscious of your weave while you are taking a bath or swimming. Make sure that it is always secured and will not fall off.
Another method of attaching hair extensions is fusion. In this method, the hair is coated with protein adhesive and then integrated into the natural hair of the user. A plastic template is used to divide the sections of the hair. Each strand is glued together with a natural strand. The process may take a very long time, but the results are always astonishing. Fusion provides the most natural-looking extensions that last longer than the others. However, this procedure can be expensive.
Choosing the way of attaching hair extensions is solely dependent on you. If you are unsure, you can always ask the advice of your hair stylists or your friends who have used hair extensions before. Just remember to adhere to your personality and never sacrifice your own personal comfort just to look beautiful!
Hair extensions, whether made of synthetic or human hair, should be taken care of at all times. There are many users who neglect care of hair extensions resulting in damages that cause the user to discard the extension. Just remember to shampoo everyday, do not brush your hair that much, do not overuse hair products such as creams and volumizer. Lastly, make sure that you detangle your hair every time you go to sleep.
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