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Can the Lemon Detox Diet Help Obese Men Lose Weight?
Pluto Becks
The idea that the reason why so many men today are obese is because they are lazy and have no willpower is absurd. How could we possibly have progressed in the last thirty years from most men possessing willpower to a large number of men now lacking it? Actually this is not the case and it is the effect of the gradual change in diet upon our biochemistry rather than a lack of willpower that is to blame.
For many obese men it seems as if the drastic and expensive measure of gastric bypass surgery is the best option. This should only be undertaken as a very last resort as it does not always succeed and there are a number of significant risks involved. It is a common belief that obese men eat a diet of unsuitable food and this can be true for some of them. However, for many the actual food they eat is quite healthy but their portion sizes are too large. Men tend to have less education in food and nutrition than women and so are more prone to follow trends rather than make decisions based on solid knowledge. The ready to eat specialty diet meals and drinks that obese men often consume will not help them get any slimmer and may even be making matters worse. To start losing weight you need to get your internal system working efficiently again. A programme of detoxification is a good way to begin. It is wise to cut out diet drinks and alcohol and to cut down on tea and coffee. Drinking more water will assist your liver and kidneys to do the important work of detoxification. Avoid carbonated water and opt for filtered water over tap water. You want to remove toxins from your body and water straight from the tap is full of chemicals. There are a variety of detox programmes to choose from. The lemon detox diet has become popular and is used by many celebrities. It is important to remember that on this progamme you are living on lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water for ten days and so all of your calories are coming from sugar. Sugar is the most common cause of obesity as high blood sugar levels cause your body to become insulin resistant which in turn causes your body to store fat instead of burning it. So by feeding your body nothing but sugar you will not be addressing this imbalance. Although many people will lose weight quite rapidly on the lemon detox diet most will put it back on again and some. The hormone diet is another popular diet which also uses a detoxifying programme. The difference is that this diet is designed to bring your hormones, including insulin, into balance and the detox stage is followed by a stage specifically designed for each participant. This introduces the participant to eating healthy foods which will bring their hormones and blood sugar in balance and so treat the underlying cause of obesity. If you use a detoxifying programme that doesn’t have a follow up diet you will nevertheless want to start afresh with a healthy diet. Reintroduce food slowly beginning with fruit, vegetables and small portions of whole grain rice. If you do this for a week you will notice a difference to how you feel. Proceed by eating the type of food that you will be eating from now on. For long term results this really means for the rest of your life. Banish any highly refined foods from your kitchen including white pasta, white rice and sugary cereals. Eat meals which are made up of vegetables in a variety of colours accompanied by a small amount of fish or high quality meat. Ask your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist to help you with your meal plans. It is possible eat healthy, satisfying and delicious meals and doing so will really improve your chances of succeeding at long term weight loss. A very helpful weight loss tactic is to create new healthy habits and associations in place of those that contributed to your weight gain. Always eat your meals at the table, read a book instead of watching TV and get into the habit of regular exercise. In next to no time you will find that you are a healthy, happy and energetic individual who is no longer in the obese man category.
Need some advice, guidance or tips on a great natural detox program? Get all the information you’ll need at our website on
lemon detox diet
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